Der VDH-Landesverband Sachsen e.V.

veranstaltet am

02. und 3.09.2023


auf dem AGRA-Messepark Leipzig.

13. Internationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung


1. Lipzg Dog Show


Hier kann gemeldet werden!!!

Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise zur Tierschutz-Hundeverordnung

Please click here for the english version of

German Animal Welfare Regulation for the Protection of Dogs



Für Riesenschnauzer, Schnauzer, Zwergschnauzer, Deutsche Pinscher und Zwergpinscher werden keine Untersuchungen benötigt.

Für Affenpinscher muss eine jährliche klinische Untersuchung und ein Belastungstest vorgelegt werden.

 Formulare für Affenpinscher



02.09.2023 Riesenschnauzer, Schnauzer: Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)

                    Affenpinscher, Deutsche Pinscher, Zwerpinscher, Zwergschnauzer: Csaba Denk (HU)

03.09.2023 Riesenschnauzer, Schnauzer: Csaba Denk (HU)

                    Affenpinscher, Deutsche Pinscher, Zwerpinscher, Zwergschnauzer: Dr. Tamás Jakkel (HU)

Meldegebühren CACIB

1.Meldeschluss 07.07.23 / 2.Meldeschluss 21.07.23

 02.09.2023 03.09.2023 Kombi 

1. Hund


 €    50/60
 €    90/110

Für jeden weiteren Hund



Zuchtgruppen/ Paarklassen/ Nachzuchtgruppen/ Juniorhandling  15 €

Selbst Leipziger Hundefreunde wundern sich über den Namen 1.Lipzg Dog Show.

Dazu hier ein kurzer geschichtlicher Einblick., Autor: Johannes Eberhorn.

"Das Dorf, aus dem später Leipzig hervorgeht, entsteht schließlich zwischen dem 7. und dem 9. Jahrhundert. Damals gründen die Sorben, ein slawischer Volksstamm, eine kleine Siedlung, die sie 'Lipzk' nennen – auf hochdeutsch 'Ort bei den Linden'. Erstmals offiziell erwähnt wird Leipzig 1015 von Bischof Thietmar von Merseburg, der in seiner Chronik von einer deutschen Burg namens 'urbs Libzi' berichtet."

Irrespective of the presentation of the examination form, animals with relevant diseases in the sense of § 10 No. 2 TierSchHuV, which were not detected during the examination, may be excluded from the event by the responsible veterinary office or the organiser at their own discretion.

2. Checks at the show

Some dogs will be randomly selected for checks at the show. These checks can be performed in dogs of all breeds. In order to ensure the most effective selection of random samples, known breed dispositions will be taken into account here.

Relevant anatomical changes/symptoms, which will be paid special attention to during the on-site inspection, are in particular:

  • Dyspnea, pathologic breathing sounds, signs of impaired thermoregulation    
  • Eye, including eyelids:
    • Hereditary Features (e. g. deformities of the eyelid, exophthalmus, ectropion, entropion) with clinical symptoms of eye disease
    • Blindness
    • Strabismus
  • Deafness and other neurologic symptoms
  • Open fontanelle
  • Inflammatory conditions of the skin
  • Albinism
  • Dermoid sinus
  • Tail length (must cover the anus when rolled out)
  • Lameness/abnormal, e.g. due to relevant diseases like:
    • Hip joint dysplasia
    • Elbow joint dysplasia
    • Vertebral changes
    • discopathies
  • Tooth defects: If more than two teeth are missing in addition to P1/M3, it must be proven that the missing tooth is not congenital, but that the tooth had to be removed, e.g. because of a disease.
  • Animals with Ectodermal Dysplasia and resulting skin disease or tooth defects (see above)
  • shortened or missing vibrissae

If a dog has one of the listed characteristics or relevant diseases in the sense of § 10 No. 2 TierSchHuV, the dog can be excluded from the event by the responsible veterinary office or the organiser at their own discretion. The entry fee will not be refunded in such cases.

Please note that – apart from the prominent Vibrissae on the upper lip (Pili tactiles labiales superiors) – there are further Vibrissae in other locations. These Vibrissae should not be removed either. 

(see Figure)

3. dogs whose vibrissae have been shortened or removed cannot participate in the show.

4. dogs, in which characteristics in the sense of § 10 TierSchHuV are found during the show, must leave the ring without being judged.

5. the breed judges will implement the Breed Specific Instructions (BSI) and pay special attention to health and functionality in the breeds listed therein. The breeds listed in the BSI were selected based on the estimated risk of health-threatening exaggerations of breed characteristics and possible misleadin

German Animal Welfare Regulation for the Protection of Dogs

The new Animal Protection Dog Ordinance (Tierschutzhundeverodnung) has been in force since 1 January 2022. Among other regulations, it provides for a ban on showing certain dogs:

§ 10 Prohibition of the show

It is prohibited to show dogs or to organize shows with dogs,

  1. in which parts of the body, in particular ears or tail, have been completely or partially amputated in a manner contrary to the protection of the animal, or
  2. in which for hereditary reasons

    a) body parts or organs are missing or unsuitable for the proper use of the species or have been altered, resulting in pain, suffering or damage,

    b) behavioural disorders associated with suffering occur,

    c) any species-appropriate contact with conspecifics causes them or a conspecific pain or avoidable suffering or harm; or

    d) the keeping is only possible with pain or avoidable suffering or leads to harm.

The responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the ordinance lies with the organizer and exhibitor. The veterinary office will pay special attention to compliance with the Animal Welfare Dog Ordinance, violations can be punished with fines.

Based on the experience of past shows, we have agreed with the veterinary office on the following concept:

    Clinical or special examination for certain dog breeds.
    Sample Examinations in dogs of all breeds

1. clinical or special examination before a dog show

Dogs of the following breeds, which are entered for the dog show, have to undergo a general veterinary examination and/or a special examination in advance and have to be certified with the VDH forms (download see below). VDH-forms of prior events will be accepted, if they are still valid. The validity period can be found in the following list. Forms for the normal clinical examination are currently valid for one year.


examination (interval)
examination (interval)



Fitness and Exercise Test (From the age of 1 year every two years)

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